Friday, 27 June 2014

How to see values of the local variables of the activity?



  1. Hello There,

    10/10 !!! Thank you for making your blogs an embodiment of perfection and simplicity. You make everything so easy to follow.

    I am looking for some high level information that talks to integrating CPM and NBAM/NBAA. I am not looking for "how" to do it, but I am looking for more along the lines of what happens where once the integration is complete
    For instance: 1. Do all inbound calls start in CPM?

    Super likes !!! for this amazing post. I thinks everyone should bookmark this.

    Many Thanks,

  2. Hi There,

    Gratitude for putting up this prolific article! You truly make everything a cake walk. Genuinely good stuff, saving time and energy.

    Due customer requirements we want to change the retention period for Log-Usage class events from 30 days to 180.
    I've found the activity Log-Usage.UsageCleaner that reads from pxProcess.pxLogUsageRetentionPeriod, how can i change it?
    I've found the article (How to analyze system-wide usage with the Log-Usage class) on prhelp and created a DSS Pega_RULES usage/retentionperiod (value 180); restarted the system but nothing changed, am i missing something?
    Customer configuration is:
    Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.2 (Maipo)
    HTTP: Apache/2.4.23
    Application Server: Jboss7 EAP 6.4.13
    JVM: openjdk-
    SQL Server 2014 (v 12.0.5546.0)
    also in attach DSS created and pxProcess page from 1 random thread from clipboard

    Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you.


    Irene Hynes

  3. Hello There,

    Allow me to show my gratitude bloggers. You guys are like unicorns. Never seen but always spreading magic. Your content is yummy. So satisfied.

    Issue: Decision table rule in Production ruleset is not being picked up during rule resolution.
    Description: Need to delegate a decision table. So we placed that rule in Production ruleset. But it is not being picked up during execution. Error is displayed on the screen saying rule is not available in application ruleset.
    This decision table need to be changed in
    Production environment. That's why we added it in production ruleset.
    We have added the ruleset in production ruleset in Application as well as Access group level.
    Observation: If I add the ruleset in Application ruleset list then it works. But I don't want it to be in application ruleset list. It should be in production ruleset itself.
    Anyways great write up, your efforts are much appreciated.

    Kind Regards,
